I love all the activities and traditions that lead up to Christmas. The baking, lights, Sea World, Animal Park, and shopping, and gift exchanges with family and friends get us all geared up and in the Christmas spirit.
Our Christmas Eve got a rough start this year and boy was I disappointed, I (Bonnie) got the puking flu! I puked all day and missed the big Nichols Christmas celebration. I cried and cried in between my puking. Desperate to not miss Christmas I begged God to heal me quick. although y healing wasn't quite quick enough to make it too any of Christmas Eve (I was finally able to sit upright and have my feet touch the ground at 2:30 a.m. Christmas morning) it did come in time for me to enjoy Christmas day.
Troy was amazing! He did all of Christmas Eve, bustling the kids and getting them down to bed. He unearthed all the presents (fortunatley I had them wrapped already) and set them under the tree and when I came down the hall at 2:30 he was finishing the last few screws on some of Jacks gifts. He was amazing!
The kids woke up Christmas morning and I jumped out of bed to join the excited looks on their faces. It was so magical! I am so thankful I felt better! Thank you Jesus for your healing power! We had a day of fun and games! It was absolutely wonderful!
I hope you all had a magical and wonderful Christmas too!
Here are just a couple photos!